In December 2016 Delta Airlines did a multi-page spread on Marquette and Alger County in their Delta Sky Magazine. I was hired to design a full page business ad for Veridea Group of Marquette to display in the magazine! I even got to fly Delta that winter and made sure my entire family saw the spread on our way to Mexico. See the magazine spread on the Delta Sky Magazine archive.
The last two pieces are different InDesign Projects I created during my time at Northern Michigan University. The first one was a piece created as a Graphic Design assignment. I was instructed to interview one of my classmates and design a two-page magazine spread for my interview article. As an avid traveler myself, it was only natural that Erin and I ended up talking about her time aboard. The piece was a great experience for me as it was my first real project using InDesign. Despite all of my travels, I never studied aboard, so it was also very interesting to hear Erin’s thoughts on the school program.
The second project wasn’t a Graphic Design assignment at all! It was for a Creative Fiction class in the English Department! The project requirements were to write up a piece comparing the steps of writing to another subject. Being a Photography major at the time, I of course went the photography route! Captivated by long exposures I thought up a way to compare the steps of writing and photography and actually found them to be quite similar. I decided to do my project using InDesign to put the “creative” in my Creative Fiction piece and printed and mounted the spread myself in the Art & Design Print Lab.