What’s the first step? Getting the shot of course! Spending some time on site and getting your camera set up is where it all begins. I review the light sources and start with some test shots to get my settings right. If possible I introduce external sources of light to improve the conditions and remove any distracting elements.
Now that I have gotten my shot it’s time to move on to the editing process. I start by culling my photos to choose the best images from each session. After picking out the photos worth editing, I open up Photoshop and start working with my layers and masks! Occasionally I start an image in Lightroom, but primarily use Photshop for any edit I do.
After the post processing step is complete, all that is left to do is deliver the image! Whether I’m shooting for myself or a client, the image has to get seen. For myself, that means sticking it up on my Facebook and Instagram. For clients, it means renaming, resizing, and created a project gallery on my website for clients to review and hopefully… order some!